The Bathroom Stripper is a device for making Negative Stripper Cards.
So, what’s with the name?
The name, “Bathroom Strippers”, comes from the Dai Vernon book, Inner Secrets of Card Magic. In it he states the following…
“The method is the one used by the Mexican gambler, who had to be prepared to equip himself with a pack of stripped cards at any time a game was imminent. He had to retire to a place where he could be on his own for a few minutes, so his obvious choice was the bathroom….
…Actually the establishments he frequented rarely had anything remotely resembling such a place, so we must confess that we have been over- polite with the title. However, the dilapidated lavatory was almost certain to have a broken window, and this is what he needed in addition to privacy—for with a piece of broken glass he was quickly able to turn any ordinary pack into Strippers.”
This is my version, but without the glass.
44mm in diameter & 1mm thick surgical stainless steel, laser engraved both sides with tiny teeth in the shape of an oval.
When used perpendicular to the edge of a playing card it creates a perfect narrow or wide notch.
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